Good practices

PEP = Python Enhancement Proposal


Conventions de nommage

Noms à éviter

Never use those characters alone as variable names :

  • l (L lowercase)
  • O (o capital)
  • I (i capital).

The display of those caracters with some fonts might lead to mix them up with 0 or 1.

Modules and packages names

Package : package

Module : module_name

  • short names
  • only lowercase characters
  • may contain underscores _
  • Though packages names may also contain underscores _ but PEP8 does not recommend it.

Classes names


With barely no exception, classes names are made of lowercase letters, with the exception of the first letter of each words that constitutes it.

Exceptions names


As exceptions are classe, they are names according to the same convention. If the exception is an error, they integrate the Error suffix (SyntaxError`, IndexError, …)

Variables, object instances, functions and methods



Those use all the same convention : lowercase letters with words separated by underscores _.

Non public methods and instances variables



Private variables


This isn’t exactly a convention as it has an impact on the way the interpreter works : it actually replaces the names with _ClassName prefix. See here for further infos.



All capital letters, with words separated by underscores _.