Regular Expressions

regex = regular expression


Sign Explanation Expression String containing the expression
^foo string beginning with ‘foo’ ^foo ‘foobar’, ‘foo’
bar$ string ending with ‘bar’ bar$ ‘foobar’, ‘bar’
* 0, 1 or more abc* ‘ab’, ‘abc’, ‘abcc’, ‘abcccccc’
+ 1 or more abc+ ‘abc’, ‘abcc’, ‘abccc’
? 0 or 1 abc? ‘ab’, ‘abc’
{n} n times ‘c’ abc{4} ‘abcccc’
{n,m} n to m times ‘c’ abc{2,4} ‘abcc’, abccc’, abcccc’
{,m} 0 to m times ‘c’ abc{,4} ‘ab’, ‘abc’, ‘abcc’, abccc’, abcccc’
{n,} n or more times ‘c’ abc{,2} ‘abcc’, ‘abccc’, ‘abcccc’
[abcd] ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’ or ‘d’ abc[abcd] ‘abca’, ‘abcb’, ‘abcc’, ‘abcd’
[a-d] any char between ‘a’ and ‘d’ abc[a-d] ‘abca’, ‘abcb’, ‘abcc’, ‘abcd’
[a-d]{n} n times any char btw ‘a’ and ‘d’ abc[a-d]{2} ‘abcab’, ‘abcbd’, ‘abccc’, ‘abcdd’
(abc){n} n times the string ‘abc’ abc(def){2} ‘abcdefdef’

Using the re module

import re